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Coping with Work-Related Stress on the Frontline

London Borough of Hackney ‘Coping with Work-Related Stress on the Frontline’ Training

Overview & Objective

Earlier this month we were delighted to get the opportunity to deliver our new training course ‘Coping with Work-Related Stress on the Frontline’ to two teams of Enforcement Officers and Team Leaders from London Borough of Hackney.


This course, developed in conjunction with a certified Breath Coach and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) practitioner, aims to equip delegates with some practical skills and techniques to reframe and manage perspectives around stressful situations, and to ‘decompress’ during and after work with effective, relaxing breathing practices.

This particular course was delivered as a classroom session, but can also be delivered  virtually via MS Teams or Zoom.


All the delegates who attended rated the course as ‘excellent’ or ‘good’, and all reported a marked improvement in their knowledge of the subject. 


Feedback from attendees was very positive.

Course leader, Keep Britain Tidy Trainer Stella, said:

‘At Keep Britain Tidy we’re very much aware that officers working on the frontline are exposed to stressful situations, and their ability to manage stress is integral to their wellness, which of course has a massive impact on their ability to perform effectively and safely in their roles. This course is very complimentary to our National Enforcement Academy, which touches on feeling safe at work, conflict management, and the challenges that can arise from communicating with members of the public. This course offers the opportunity to explore the consequences of some of these issues and ideas in more detail, and offers practical and effective solutions for tackling stress.’

Barry Fox, Enforcement Team Leader, said:

‘the course was very good, I could relate to a lot of what was discussed, and the breathing techniques were excellent.’ 

Chris O’Connor, Enforcement Team Leader, said the course was:

‘a highly interesting and informative introduction to a very important, and often overlooked aspect of frontline work.’

Steve Davison, Enforcement Manager, who organised the training sessions at Hackney, said: 

"I have had nothing but positive feedback from the officers who attended the Coping with Work-Related Stress on the Frontline course. The sessions have provided practical solutions for tackling stress and complement our training packages, including TRiM and mental health first aid sessions for all of our frontline staff. I would recommend the 'Coping with Work-Related Stress on the Frontline' Training sessions to all teams who carry out an enforcement role."

You can attend an open virtual session of ‘Coping with Work-Related Stress on the Frontline’, or alternatively, you can host a virtual or face-to-face session exclusively for your team.

Please contact training@keepbritaintidy.org with enquiries about training options. 

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