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#LitterHeroes Ambassador gets Prime Minister's award

Keep Britain Tidy #LitterHeroes Ambaassador Karen Blanchfield has received the Prime Minister daily Points of Light award for her community litter-picking work - especially with youngsters.

Karen, from Worcestershire, founded a programme to engage school children about looking after their local area after becoming a community litter picker in 2018.

She has dedicated the award to "all the children who enthusiastically continue to make a difference in their communities".

Karen works closely with schools, local authorities and youth groups to deliver her ‘Little Litter Warriors’ programme with a hands-on approach to highlight the issue of litter pollution in a fun and engaging way.

Through the initiative, she provides all schools and community groups in the area with an educational litter programme and litter pick workshops that have engaged over 18,000 children in regular litter-picking activities over the last three years.

The award for Karen coincides with the ‘Great British Spring Clean’ annual campaign which runs from 15 to 31 March, bringing together individuals, community organisations, businesses and councils to help make a difference to the environment.

Keep Britain Tidy CEO, Allison Ogden-Newton, OBE, said: "The work that Karen does in her local area with ‘Little Litter Warriors’, and engaging volunteers all over the Wychavon district is an absolute inspiration to us all.

"The amount of energy and determination she brings to this important work is second-to-none.

"Karen has been a Keep Britain Tidy #LitterHeroes Ambassador for several years and is an incredible advocate for our work, going above and beyond to help us shine a light on the vital role of volunteers.

"Karen is a very special person to us; her passion is palpable and we are so proud to collaborate with her on our joint mission to end litter."

Karen said: "I am delighted to have been chosen for this award in recognition for the passion I have in educating children about the impact of litter pollution in our communities.

"This award I share with all the children who enthusiastically continue to make a difference in their communities after being inspired by the ‘Little Litter Warriors’ educational workshops."

Karen is the 2294th recipient of the Points of Light award, which was first launched in April 2014 to recognise outstanding individuals making a positive change within their community and inspiring others.

Each weekday, someone, somewhere in the country is selected to receive the award to celebrate their remarkable achievements.